Quatrefoil, 4-leaf clover, Alhambra

What does a quatrefoil symbolize?

The quatrefoil symbolizes different things to different people. Christians often see it as representing the four Gospel writers or as representing the cross. Ancient Mayans saw it as representing the underworld. It is a symbol of both luxury and good luck to many.

Simply put, a quatrefoil is a symmetrical design shape with four connected foils or lobes. The quatrefoil pattern looks a bit like a four-leaf clover or like a flower with four petals. The word, ”quatrefoil” comes from the Latin words for ”four” and ”leaf.” This design has been around for centuries. It is seen in luxury items, architecture, and furnishings. It can be found in the bridges and buildings of major cities from Venice to New York. Many are familiar with the shape on the luxury Louis Vuitton handbags.